Open Letter to Google

Open Letter to Google

Open Letter to Google

Dear Google

I’d like to table an opportunity for you to lend a voice to the reality of Climate Change.

What if you asked every customer to spring-clean their google account. Be it email or photos. Clean-up what they don’t need. Delete the unnecessary backed-up media files. Unsubscribe to newsletters they never read. De-clutter.

This will mean decreased load on the Data Center and consequently Save Energy & Save Cost.

Display the green footprint for every user converting data deleted into energy saved.

Behavioural changes need nudging and so does being conscious about our environment.

You have the power to catalyse 1.5Bn Gmail users into environment friendly netizens.

Save the Planet!

2 thoughts on “Open Letter to Google

  1. Dilpreeta,
    Google already does that though various ways be it files or Inbox by Google it clears digital detritus. But if Google proactively does for all users then it would be great. But, many marketeer won’t be happy to see thier email campaign reach is reduced.


    • I have been a google user and not seen any proactive outreach or nudge to drive the behavior. There is no dashboard which suggests the data deleted to energy saved numbers. I am a marketer and don’t see value in dated or irrelevant data storage. They can’t do a proactive cleaning because they can’t tell what is meaningful to a user.


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