Vain by Wine

Fine dining and the folklore
Slow dancing by the riverside
Shy whispers of nothing in your ears
The hints of smile in the gaze of your eye
The sweet nothings of being in love

Say you are mine
Line the cloud with silver galore
Let the bosom rise in pride
Hold me like a child so dear
Let the smell of our togetherness never bid goodbye
Handle me today with those kid gloves, my love

A team so fine
The sway of my step, envious furor
Gurgling laughter of a to be bride
Flushed in pink, an eye full of tear
Pretty as a dream, a dream to rely
Feels like being on seventh heaven above, my love.

Life, a goldmine.
Polished gem of times labor
Withstanding the tests of tide
Unspoken, content, our hearts we bare
Stolen glances, crowds we belie
Rekindled, and warmed our hearts,
oh those memories of being vain by wine, my love.

A Landless Claim

In the draught of it’s sort,
on the lofty lands where sun dried mountains part.
Thirst is the instinct to survive.
Parched and decrepit, the feeble hands of mankind.
They fumble to carry on,
choices exist no more, a pessimists call.
A complete lack of appeal to futile promulgations of how one should go on.
A lifetime in a glance, envision what crosses the mind of one in such adversity.
The serene look is an oxymoron,
incongruous to the disquietude inside.
Ashen, gaunt and worn down.
Cowering back of the macerated moral stance.
In moments of self deprecation
eyes glistening in pain
for everything from here is hope, largess and godsent.
A landless claim.

Writer’s Intention

I write not for documentation,
I write not for the world to see.
I neither track the past,
Nor intend to map the future to be.

Fickle in mind, strong at heart.
There are immense changes indeed.
Time has it’s ways,
Of tendering thoughts, harboring emotions on random plea’s

Inebriated, many things catch one’s fascination
on a flight of fantasy,
no white flag on the mast,
no apologies for what one wishes to be.

Ending where one began, afresh, from the start.
sinuous, devious exploration of paths to freedom.
captivating, enriching, the journey of one’s soul.
realization of who we are, one could not capture more.

I write not for applause,
I write not for an uproar.
I neither seek sanctity,
Nor intend to reveal more.

Proverbial Truth

It was not so long back,
One stopped to wonder why
It never struck us that, beauty is ephemeral
We all are a construct of the essential 5 elements, that give us life
And yet as we live,
We don’t live to meet the ultimate truth
For the life in us makes the world the way it is,
The ephemeral truth

While this may sound dark
Not befitting an occasion, I write to you on
What really, I’d like to convey is,
There’s nothing more beautiful, than the creation of god

Maybe this is reason sufficient,
to appreciate ourselves
and each other, for who we are
Although one may not be around too long
We cannot deny the indelible impressions
and their glory that carries on

One’s reflection is the best critique
only if we pause to think why
The answer is neither too superficial,
nor so deeply embedded to escape one’s eye
We’ve seen ourselves,
and we’ve seen ourselves through the world’s perception
at the end of the day
what u take to bed is nothing more than, a breath of air

with each day an individual grows
-each moment one shares
with each memory one becomes invincible
carving one’s niche – waddles through the world- a powerful script- a gamut of characters – a dramatic play

Life’s come a full circle

Life’s coming a full circle
Or is it a change of season
Metamorphosis and transformation
Nothing is perpetual
Change is permanent
we are but temporal

Our instincts stimulated by reactions
Reaction of one,
to forces both internal and external

a day spent in glum followed with one appreciating the simplest pleasures

life’s coming a full circle
or is it about taking each day as it comes
Philosophies and literature
Driving inspiration
Value system is certain, our behavior to them sporadically charged

Our beliefs rooted in utopia
Utopia complimented by practicality
Building nuances of individualism

Life’s come a full circle

The Burial of Guilt

The death of guilt is slow and unique
It poisons the soul,
for having been privy to a vice
A hollow tunnel of darkness within, that resides
A vacuum that one holds inside

Do we realize the teaching that sinning is sinister in the face of opportunity?
Are we testing the strength of our will?
Or the strength of a learning we never did internalize

Circumstance as an alibi – does it suffice?
Perhaps it superficially clears the haze
A haze that descended on the ideology to which we subscribe.

The archfiend, dawns the garb of our hearts to which we comply
The appeal to the darker side
To which our personage we sacrifice

The death of guilt is elusive and impalpable
When in infancy we nurture it with tender love and care
As it matures, it begins to dwindle as we tread on our way
The death of guilt is unabashed and unapologetic
As it begins to wane
Atrophying what one was
In the event of death of guilt
a vivacious cycle of veniality emanates to which one once again falls prey


The insecurity I have dealt with is letting one know of my vulnerabilities,
Needless to say expressions don’t come easy.
Telling one about how I feel is like wearing my mum’s stiletto’s when I was nine,
Looking into the mirror awaiting admiration and appreciation when they would be exclusively mine,
Took them off just soo quickly,
placing them back at the same degree
With all the make-up I wore and baubles to compliment
Yards of cloth, the attire so different.

You wonder how I relate expressing myself and wearing stilettos
Alas! Perhaps you’d never know
For boys like blue, girls like pink
And this a typical girl child thing

It is with the same innocence and purity of that little girl that unfolds here……
I tried so hard for mum to not know….place everything back to the best I’d known
BUT …she always knew!!!
She always did, the creases in her dress, my tinted lips and her haphazardly kept trinkets.

It is with the same purity and innocence of that little girl
That I reveal about how I feel
But I know this time it has been you who has been watching over me
And I feel awkwardly exposed
My secret unraveled
Beyond my control.
Controlled,you wonder if that is me?
No it is all about vulnerability
Awaiting that the admiration and appreciation of the mirror be reciprocated

But now you know
You always didn’t
Only if I’d followed my head & not been different
Gave myself a chance
I’ll try not to regret, I tried to know
Although I know it should have been slow
Never really realized when the quiver let go off the arrow
Outgrown contained and insecure,
Shearing away vulnerabilities.

Until the reason is you

Like the day, when you know,
Sun has been shinning all day long
You know not it’s worth till it’s gone.
I shall be the warmth that will comfort all your needs
Till the day of your misdeeds.

Like the mellifluous singing brooke
meanders it’s course, and finds it’s way.
You know it has gone, when it merges at the bay.
I shall with all the radiance,
Charm you to live a full life.
Until the day you let go of me over a strife.

Like the wind rustles the leaves,sways the trees
Until the forest fire sets them free.
I shall whisper the words of fortune,
and opportunities to be.
Until you step to hear someone else’s plea.

Like the footprints on the dunes of sand,
white of the snow, that marked the presence of man
Until the forbidden storm swept it clear off the land.
I shall create pleasure and beauty,
grant joy and satisfy you to eternity.
Till you shall maintain my faith & dignity.

Like pearl drops are shed from the firmament
to quench a thirsty land
Until the floods are confirmed
I shall be the preciousness you possess
Until the brilliance of another me you dispossess.

Like the scintillating, shimmer of a star spangled sky
Until the honour of moon we galore
I shall incandescently burn to lighten your prayer
Until your laurels don’t see me there.

Like the complacence of solitude, peace within ones self reside
Until open eyes realize the isolation they find
I shall power you and your secret self
Encouraging and demonstrating of my presence
Until I realize alone is for what you care.

Clear eyes, mischievous smile,
Powdery fragrance, breathtaking sighs
Extended arms, aching love,
Until the reason is you
I will stay.